Tuesday, 16 August 2011

How To Not Get Laid: Pickup Lines for the Lame, the Brave and the Retarded

What follows are a list of the lamest, cheesiest and funniest pickup lines that people claim to have used. I have for convenience sake classified them into 3 groups: for the lame, for the brave and for the retarded.

How To Not Get Laid: The Definitive Guide

Are you a player? Are you tired of the constant knacking and random hookups? Do you wish there was a way to tone down the sex appeal? Better yet, do you wish there was a method that, if followed, would lead to the end of your prolific scoring record? Rejoice and be glad for such a thing has arrived. Many Don Juans and Casanovas have faced this conundrum and, as an expert on the issue, I have decided to layout a method by which anyone, and I mean ANYONE, can proceed to NOT getting laid.

Everybody and his brother has a blog now...

So I’ve decided to join the bandwagon and get myself a blog.
Why? Well, It’s mostly because i can. I believe in the principle “Anything that can be done, should be done”. I CAN own a blog; therefore, it stands to reason that i MUST own a blog. It is that simple.
Should I be allowed to own a blog? I don’t know. Most people that I know insist that my mind is a toxic cesspit, filled with all sorts of horrible things that would terrify any self respecting shrink worth his/her (notice the gender sensitivity) salt. My argument is that I need to flush these vile thoughts from my mind. I need a place, a waste ground if you will, where ideas/thoughts that have tortured myself and my friends’ minds for sometime now, can just chill and hangout.