Tuesday, 27 September 2011

Stupid Is The New Black

I spend a lot of time online as of late and it’s not because I’m watching porn. It’s mainly because I’m on holiday and doing something constructive during this period goes against everything I stand for. Wasting time is an art form that I have become a master of.  Some may look at me with contempt for that but I assure you that I really don’t care. Spending my holiday doing schoolwork was never in my plans. Schoolwork is tedious, especially when you’re a medical student and an exceedingly dull one at that. Holiday free time spent examining breasts and peeping into vaginas might sound fun to you but consider the fact that you might also have to palpate scrotal sacs and put your finger inside other people’s anuses. This is a risk I’m not willing to take, hence my sudden interest in the internet.

Tuesday, 13 September 2011

Love & Other STDs

Love is probably the most overrated thing/idea/emotion (Note: before some of you love trolls start talking shit, let me remind you to check my Fuck Account and see that I do not, in fact, have any fucks to give). It's mind boggling how highly rated this thing is. Books have been written, songs composed & films produced about this seemingly wonderful thing called Love. People everywhere have bought into the hype that Love is the answer to everything.
Q - How do I soften this particularly hard bowel movement?
A - Dude, love is the answer
This lunacy reached it's fervor pitch after the fifth Harry Potter book (Order of the Phoenix) came out and many of us Potter fans believed that Harry was actually going to battle the Dark Lord armed with nothing more than valentine cards and tickets to see a Hollywood romantic comedy.